Free and independent organisations
Here is a list of highly committed organisations, some of which are activist and radical. Their common point is not to collude with businesses that harm the environment.
By refusing to engage in lobbying with large multinationals, they maintain their freedom of thought and action.
It is that pre-requisite that enables those structures to gravitate around the system like free electrons, throwing a spotlight here and there on the world malfunctions.
Commit yourself: Militate!
Far from television studios, with no honours or medals, militants bravely defend causes and their ideas, at the risk of reprisals that are sometimes violent. To save whales, put an end to vivisection, to bullfighting, and to GMOs (Genetically-Modified Organisms), they do not hesitate to get involved in dangerous commando actions, jeopardizing their liberty, and sometimes their lives.
Direct action calls for a great deal of courage and conviction. You may lack the desire or the time to act in the field – if so, those activists need support, and their associations need money.
Join those organisations, make donations, sign petitions, demonstrate, and inform people around you of the importance and urgency of committing themselves to those causes!

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
www.seashepherd.orgFounded in 1977 by Paul Watson, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is an NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation). Its HQ is in Friday Harbor, Washington State, USA. Thanks to a fleet of ships and to experienced seafarers, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has, amongst its other campaigns, a merciless fight against whalers to protect cetaceans.

L214 éthique & animaux
www.l214.comL214, which is also called L214 éthique & animaux (L214 Ethics & Animals), was founded in 2008. The name of the non-profit association comes from article L214-1 of the French rural Code, which recognises animals as “sentient beings”. Its fight is focused on defending animals exploited for food consumption: meat, fish, milk, and egg.

www.greenpeace.orgFounded in 1971 by Irving Stowe and Jim Bohlen, Greenpeace is an international NGO involved in environmental protection. In order to raise awareness amongst the greatest number of people around the world, Greenpeace has a strategy based on non-violent direct action and on media coverage.

Gorilla Doctors
www.gorilladoctors.orgSet up in Musanze, Rwanda, the organisation Gorilla Doctors aims at preserving mountain gorillas and lowland gorillas. International veterinary teams care for wounded or sick primates in the field. They also carry out surgical work in the field in Rwanda, Congo, and Uganda.

CRAC Comité radicalement anti corrida
www.anticorrida.comCRAC (Comité Radicalement Anti Corrida – Radically Anti-Bullfight Committee) is a non-profit organisation that aims at protecting animal and human life. Its objective is the abolition of all cruel activities that include the torture and / or death of all living animals: bullfights, cockfights, and, generally, all recreational activities that harm the wellbeing of any living being.

Humanité et biodiversité
humanite-biodiversite.frThe Ligue ROC (Ligue Rassemblement des Opposants à la Chasse – Anti-Hunting Grouping League) is a completely independent national association accredited by the French Ministry of Ecology under the law of 10 July 1976 on the protection of nature. Its aims are to preserve wild fauna, have “sentient being” status granted to all animals, and defend the rights and interests of non-hunters.

www.desobeir.netConscious of the limitations linked to traditional modes of mobilisation like petitions and demonstrations, the Collectif des Désobéissants (Collective of the Disobedient) is convinced that only non-violent direct action will make it possible for our society to undergo radical transformation. The struggles and methods show an anti-globalist dynamic.

www.avaaz.orgAvaaz (Voice) was set up in 2007. It is a worldwide on-line movement that offers people of all nationalities the means of having an influence on decision-making around the world. Avaaz has a mission that is at once simple and democratic: to reduce the gap between the world as it is and the world that is desired by the vast majority of us.

CAV Coalition Anti Vivisection
www.contrevivisection.orgThe Coalition Anti Vivisection (Anti-Vivisection Coalition) was set up to fight peacefully and lawfully against businesses and institutions that carry out animal experiments. Regular demonstrations inform the general public of the horrors of vivisection. The aim of the Coalition Anti Vivisection is to put a complete stop to those experiments.

L’Alliance Anticorrida
www.allianceanticorrida.frThe association was founded in Nîmes in 1994. It works to end the wounding and mutilation of animals used during bullfights, and to put an end to bullfights. The aims and means of that highly committed association are published in “L’Écho des Anticorrida” (“The Anti-Bullfight Echo”), a magazine aimed at its members.

Animaux en Péril
www.animauxenperil.beThe Belgian association was set up in 1983. Its main aim is to take in, accommodate, care for, and replace animals that are abandoned, seized, or wandering as strays (over 2 000 per year). Particular care is paid to saving animals from a background of serious abuse or negligence, as well as rehabilitating them.

Stop Vivisection
www.stopvivisection.euMembers of the Stop Vivisection citizens’ movement have asked the European Commission to repeal Directive 2010 / 63 / EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, and to present instead a new draft directive aimed at ending animal experiments.