L’arche Editing
Support and take part
Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre.
(1) Photos for the bear conservation centre.
Agir pour l’environnement
Association citoyenne nationale de protection de l’environnement (National Citizens’ Association for Environmental Protection).
(2) Participation in the Seven Families game “France’s Threatened Species”.
Société française pour l’étude et la protection des mammifères (French Society for the Study and Protection of Mammals).
Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris (Paris Natural History Museum).
(3) Exhibition “The bird in the heart” presented at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (National Natural History Museum).
Réserve de la Haute-Touche
(4) (5) Conservation programme for the European pond turtle for the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris.
Association pour la protection des animaux sauvages (Association for the Protection of Wild Animals).
(6) Cover of the special edition “Les insectes qui aident les jardiniers” (“Insects that help gardeners”).
The Worldwide Fund for Nature.
Société pour l’étude et la protection de la nature en Bretagne (Society for the Study of Nature in Brittany).
Panda magazine
Magazine with the aim of making its readers aware of the protection of nature
(7) Visual for Panda Magazine.
Réserve naturelle nationale de Chérine
(8) Photos of a toad for Chérine Nature Reserve.
Société nationale de protection de la nature (National Society for the Protection of Nature).
(9) Association naturaliste d’études et de protection des écosystèmes (Naturalist Association for the Study and Protection of Ecosystems).
Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO - League for the Protection of Birds).
(10) Books “Oiseau au cœur” (“Bird in the heart”), published by the LPO for its centenary.